Time spent over a friends house

A small family
In a small house
Who argue with one another
All day long
In the language of love

The world comes to an end everyday in this house
But I don't care
As long I can escape reality
While I'm here

The phone rings
The door knocks
The voice slaps and stings
Even though their not abundant
They can't find me here

There's a certain reverence
For chaos
That insults the mind's goal
for perfection...I'm home.

The story of a hero, woulda, coulda, shoulda, and something...

permeating from my mind
In the after math of seeing her there
He beat her
You should've seen it!
You shouldn't have seen it
Because I felt like I had to do something
And I didn't do anything
Not because of what I should have been feeling
That heroism infection?
But out of fear of rejection

I felt like committing verbal suicide
But then it went away and I just watched him take away her pride
And now I wanted to take away her painI
wanted to do something
Anyone else would have done something right?
Someone should have done something, right?
From a fight to a slight pat
The tv ad told me to stop him from doing that
I even watched her beaten to an inch of her life
In this movie I saw a week ago
And now
He was beating her in the front of a pickup truck
After they'd prepared to go
I had to do something
I was going to do something
But I didn't do anything
Accept turn my head

Ofcourse there were reasons
Other than the obvious
"normally these things don't turn out right
She makes accusations
He accuses
She accuses..."
Neither accusations are made on each other
Because sometimes
Her love is young...or old
And both have outgrown heroes
And can only see toads
And you'd rather be a hero than a villain
Then again
Just like love
Real-life heroes are contrary to their popular twins
And don't think of all the shit I just said to begin
Either they don't think
Or ignore it

And in the end
Watching a woman being beaten taught me something
Real-life villains just want to be heroes
And heroes in real-life are idiots


A thugadie
and speak his mind
before the action
of his verbs

Wears the bling
atop his heart
to cover up
it's lack of curve

Lips move
but grill confines
Words in lust
And mouth to fame

Puts his mind in chrome on rims
which shine a spark
in eye of fame

A thugadie
and keep his mind
pressed on waist
to unfurl glock

Though heart
can see
himself a bird
The eyes are dressed
in morning walks

The End of the World

I never knew I would grow up to become one of those people
Who act outside the common conception?
And therefore stared at like a bad taste in the mouth
That I would contemplate stuff like the sun rising at night
Or hate stereotypes to the point of becoming one
I was free
And wordless
I still am free
Sometimes worldless
Other times
While I'm typing on my laptop even
I feel this.. this world form over me
As if hoping to evolve while my back is turned
It starts when I turn my head to the site of them approaching
They don't necessarily have to spark diolague with me
Just sit around
Converse with one another
And that's when I'm reminded of the role I decided on indecisively
But this is only fact in the mysterious world thats taken form
When I find myself in it:
Fact is fiction
Up is down
My music is different
I look different
I even talk different
I look at myself in conversation and say
"That's not how I talk!"
I methodically question my ethical belief systems
and role as a human being in society
What I consider right
Who I consider attractive
The way I'm moved and what is love
My conscious is cleaved away from bone and flesh
As if painted on
The sky falls
Fire reigns from the heavens
The earth trembles
Planets collide
The cosmos tear

And then they walk away
The world vanishes
And I continue typing on my laptop...
Last night was spent
with 2 Jews, 2 Christians, an aetheist,
and one question mark.

you can imagine how that conversation went.
This morning
I woke with an ember in my chest
and spent the rest of the day]
trying to pull it out
after-sex poetry...
conversation on everything but...

conversation is a sheet we throw over ourselves
to cover the hand gestures and whole body movements 

converstion is a dragoon to gaurd the reconnaissance missions from secrete hand gestures and whole body movements

conversation on everything but...

..said, my inspiration.

i have a friend whose mostly made of 


she was made when art was struck by lightning at


because she's also electricity
her being can paralyze 
but it's cool in jolts
when the batteries are low
she can be your best friend

She once saved my life when i almost died
Her whisper shocked my heart alive
So i could go 
and exercise
i think 
i'll sleep 
til i see her again

sometimes we smoke 
and talk about our saviors
of times 
back when
and maybe later
one time
i watched art 
burn into her hand
when asked
she said it was in her nature
is her powerful voice
she'll speak
And often 
rearrange a choice 
or her mother's limbs 
with some minor anatomy
but it's breathe taking to note such force 

And watchout! 
when she gets excited
so much wattage 
since i'm water
i don't burn much
so when she speaks
i try and catch parts
before they burn walls
never slighted