My old neighborhood...

I sit on her cold steps
The ghost of a blight
Stings lit at the end of my cigarette but
In the wet shadows of a step-cut hilltop
Overlooking my old ghost
The old widow that use to trap me
Her cracked streets
And grinning windows
Her chipped fingers covered in leaves
And hanging over her grins

But this night she wavers in despair
With a glance upon my face
Remembering the joy I took away
When I moved that day
From her old
Ignorant-negro covered bones

Then again
Her grins still linger
Maybe because she has new prisoners
Though none as delicious as me of course

Suddenly it's not so cold
A warm lost cat
Splashing fur
Against the scratchy gruff
Of jean pants
It explains it'll be my companion for this trip
Since we're looking for Salvation

And from that I move to one memory
And then the next
Housed at strategic points
On the old widows frame
As if I'm her misguided lover
Deceived into a round of post-breakup sex

My only cries of passion
Are a symbolic lost cat
And a glowing cigarette

The next morning I look over at what I've done
in horror
get out as fast as possible!

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