You're a machine now
You can't sleep in
you can't sit and talk
You can't see friends
you can't spend time doing things that bring you joy and make you happy
Unless work makes you happy

But happiness is for humans.
Feelings are for humans
You're a machine
You're a machine
You have responsibilities

You're a machine
You're a machine
You're a man
It's ok to giveup
You're not a boy anymore
Just giveup
Stop daydreaming
You're a man
You have too much fantasy
What you need is reality
That's what you need
Not just work
but keep busy
So busy that when you're not suppose to be working
You're working
Even after retirement
you don't know what else to do but work
So you keep working

You're a man
keep busy working
busy working all the time
That's a machine not a human
There's nothing more important in life than the act of working
and working hard
and all the time
that's what men do

ignoring annoying obstacles like sleep
sleep when your dead
ignoring romance
Save that for later
Right now
Romance gets in the way of work

And i'm a machine
So i should know
I should be working
Not just working
but keeping busy working
all the time
there's nothing more important in life
and i'm a machine so i should know this
Because this is how a man acts

Love? Love at first sight?
Men don't believe in that
Because their not human
and i'm a machine
Lower your hopes down a little
This is reality
and that's how machine's think
that's how i think
because i'm a man

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