Pinnochio's theme

I am your writer
the know
your current generation
your generation Z
I am also your past
and will be your future
baby fan boy of raves and mad men on fire
your novella band-aid
Inside me is a human heart made of glass (break in case of emergency)

guilty of wearing pink
malevolent black dynasties
correcting the grammar
of ghetto scholars

I was born secular
confined to a woman's head
but I came out through her legs

They confined my youth through a woman's eye
but it came out through her fists
where I fed on insight
and grew wings

I am your midnight youth with endless city dreams
and you own the sky
the lost cities of my dawn
the ones I can't get back

But your electric laws
hold a loose translation on my being
and my crooked
and broken
and bleeding existence
is falling through the cracks
where it meets inspiration on time
but shows up late
for everything else

I am your - everything else
your amber ego
your - 25 year old
art cliche
blunts beside
rusted coffee cups
of morality

spending my midnights starving
from books on hindsight
that question Socrates
from street corners?

you crazy dreamers
you beautiful dreamers
Did you know there's also a beautiful and long fraud in nature
with so many punch lines running through it
that it all becomes so funny

And though I'm sick
my mind is a muse
a gold stadium full of guns and girls
just a few seats from the front row
just a metric sick muse fantasy
just another one

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