
Fire pixie from hugging earth.

Quickly passing the swoosh of winds'

Retreating, sweeping up a ghost heart

Trying to find the moon again.

Though broken

Holding soul. no

Body made of fire.

Raw. Pure. Untainted. Simply

What the moon needs

To make it brighter

At night,

When inspiration cums

Her light of fire speaks.

When it rains or water's

rise. Rise, rise,

Stinging fire becomes a sheath

hug and kiss your mustered joy

Chip, chip, chip away! Whispering

Winds that often whisper

Thoughts or feelings for a day

Flaming bright,

The light of heart is not enough,

When winds come rough. Eating fire til

Barely seen or jealous to a green

Quickly leaving No

Longer Fire Pixie's Stinging earth or

Passion whispy.

While others laugh

And nature sleeps in


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